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How are you? We miss Cambodia very much already. We’re back to school and work for 3 weeks now and we don’t like it at all. This year’s holiday was very nice, we liked it very much. The Northeast where we visited the hilltribes, Kratie, Ko Penh and Siem Reap of course! It was very nice seeing your whole family again. The resort in Battambang is fantastic and Jan and the whole team made us feel very welcome. We promised to send you some photo’s. Here they are! The first photo is of a woman of the Brow tribe near Banlung. Below it are our 3 girls with Srei Leg (?). Kimlay, can you give it to her? The little girl at the left we met during our bicycletour with Kimlay at Ko Penh. Sopheap is smiling very hard when we crossed the big waterhole on the bike and everybody got their shoes wet. The other 2 photo’s are of a girl and a woman we saw during our jeepsafari with Sopheap, Andre and Lily.

Love and hugs to all of the family!

Henk, Sieneke, Lisa, Mart, Eva and Suzan, The Netherlands

September 2012

Welkom in Cambodja
Henk, Sieneke, Lisa, Mart, Eva and Suzan, The Netherlands

September 2012

How are you? We miss Cambodia very much already. We’re back to school and work for 3 weeks now and we don’t like it at all. This year’s holiday was very nice, we liked it very much. The Northeast where we visited the hilltribes, Kratie, Ko Penh and Siem Reap of course! It was very nice seeing your whole family again. The resort in Battambang is fantastic and Jan and the whole team made us feel very welcome. We promised to send you some photo’s. Here they are! The first photo is of a woman of the Brow tribe near Banlung. Below it are our 3 girls with Srei Leg (?). Kimlay, can you give it to her? The little girl at the left we met during our bicycletour with Kimlay at Ko Penh. Sopheap is smiling very hard when we crossed the big waterhole on the bike and everybody got their shoes wet. The other 2 photo’s are of a girl and a woman we saw during our jeepsafari with Sopheap, Andre and Lily. Love and hugs to all of the family!