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Be assured that we had a wonderful holiday. I am so fortunate having discovered your website, and being able to make use of your services. We really enjoyed our guide, Mr Chan and our driver, Chili. We became great friends and shared many jokes. I believe you can make still better use of Chili, who really is intelligent , makes interesting conversation and masters so many languages! Our stay in the beautiful Sonalong was a highlight. Our trips to the temples, the countryside and lake were learning experiences. The Temple Run was great, although the heat got to Marie and we didn’t do as well as we would have liked. We are in love with Cambodium food – I should really have taken the cooking class! Thanks once again for the way you handled all the arrangements, for the help received from Vatana and everone involved with our well-being.

Lionel and Marie
 27 January 2018
Welkom in Cambodja
Lionel and Marie
 27 January 2018
Be assured that we had a wonderful holiday. I am so fortunate having discovered your website, and being able to make use of your services. We really enjoyed our guide, Mr Chan and our driver, Chili. We became great friends and shared many jokes. I believe you can make still better use of Chili, who really is intelligent , makes interesting conversation and masters so many languages! Our stay in the beautiful Sonalong was a highlight. Our trips to the temples, the countryside and lake were learning experiences. The Temple Run was great, although the heat got to Marie and we didn’t do as well as we would have liked. We are in love with Cambodium food – I should really have taken the cooking class! Thanks once again for the way you handled all the arrangements, for the help received from Vatana and everone involved with our well-being.